BioShield Paints, Stains, & Sealers


We carry Bioshield’s line of Clay Paints

Clay paints look more like clay plaster than paint.  The colors are true to nature, and you would never find these colors in wall paint. They are a healthy alternative to standard paints.  Clay offers state-of-the-art, high performance paint technology for a healthy home. It is one of the oldest and cleanest building materials available.

We have been working with green building materials for 30 years and we are in love with BioShield clay paints!  All of our staff have used these paints in our own homes and nothing compares to the rich, natural look and smell of clay paint.

The BioShield Paint Company is the result of the refinement of vision within the context of social needs. Founded in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1982 by Rudolf Reitz, the Eco Design Company, BioShield’s parent company and precursor, began to supply ecologically savvy North Americans with options for commonly used house and home products. Today, the BioShield company focuses on supplying options to our customer base in three specific areas:

  • Waterborne wall finishes and paints that use an extensive collection of 50 pigments, based on earth and ultramarine hues.
  • Natural oils, interior and exterior wood stains, and waxes and finishes for floors and furniture.
  • Cleansers and maintenance products.

Come see us at 563 Idaho Maryland Road in Grass Valley and choose your colors today!